Brisbane Airports
Domestic / International
To Byron Bay
From $73
Roma St Bus Stop
Bus Stop 125
To Byron Bay
From $55
Brisbane Airport Hotels
From your hotel
To Byron Bay
From $73


By completing a reservation you automatically have acknowledged that you have agreed to our terms and conditions. The conditions of the agreement between Byron Easy Bus and the passenger and purchaser of this ticket are set out below:

Terms Of Travel

  1. Door to Door addresses : Passengers selecting door to door addresses must ensure the destination or pick up places are within the prescribed area e.g. BYRON BAY DOOR TO DOOR addresses are limited to Suffolk Park streets off Clifford Street and Beech Drive, Byron Bay township, includes the Arts Factory and Yoga centre on Skinners Shoot rd BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE OTHER PROPERTIES ON SKINNERS SHOOT ROAD, DOES NOT INCLUDE WATEGOS OR ADDRESSES BEYOND THE CLARKES BEACH CAR PARK, includes the Arts and Industrial Estate,  the Sunrise  and Ewingsdale estates. *note due to new highway closure Woodford lane is no longer included.  If you are in doubt about an address please contact us.
  2. The passenger, his/her luggage and goods are carried entirely at his/her own risk. Byron Easy Bus will not be liable to the passenger or to the person who purchased the ticket for the death, sickness of or any other injury to any passenger or for any other loss or damage suffered by the passenger whether personal or consequential or otherwise, and although Byron Easy Bus may, or may not permit passengers to, bring or place personal effects, luggage or other goods on the shuttle bus, Byron Easy Bus will not be liable for the loss of or damage to any personal effect, luggage or other goods, whether or not such loss or damage is suffered, or is caused by anything occuring before, after, or in the course of any journey.
  3. Passengers who have purchased an E-ticket  must give the reservation confirmation code or a print out of their booking to the driver. Passengers who have made a phone booking will need to provide the driver with the reservation confirmation code letters.
  4. Byron Easy Bus will adhere to scheduled departure and arrival times but does not promise to adhere to and will not be liable for any failure to meet those times considering traffic and weather conditions. The passenger must be ready to board the transporting vehicle at least 10 minutes before scheduled departure time. Pick up times may vary up to 15 minutes depending on location, especially if on Western side of Byron Bay e.g.  Belongil, Sunrise, Industrial Eastate and Ewingsdale. Passengers on arriving flights must allow time for flight delays, collection of luggage and where appropriate clearance of customs. We reccommend not to make bookings if yoiur flight arrival time is less than one hour before bus deparure. No refund will be considered if these conditions have not been complied with.
  5. Byron Easy Bus may in its discretion refund all or part of the fare when a booking is cancelled prior to embarkation time, but will not otherwise allow any refund.
  6. Byron Easy Bus may substitute any other vehicle for its own vehicle and/or tranship passengers and/or their luggage and these terms shall continue to apply to carriage by such substituted vehicle or transhipment.
  7. Byron Easy Bus shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or consequential upon, directly or indirectly, any abandonment of, delay in departure or delay during any trip howsoever caused.
  8. These terms and conditions apply to the extent that they are not inconsistent with or in contravention of any obligation imposed upon Byron Easy Bus by virtue of the provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

Unaccompanied children

Unaccompanied children 14 years and under cannot travel without prior approval from Byron Easy Bus office.


Smoking is not permitted on board our vehicles.


Violence and aggression will not be tolerated. Person/s will be told to disembark or permission to board refused, if in the opinion of the driver he/she and/or our passengers are at risk by violent and/or aggressive behaviour. All incidents will be reported to the police.


If a full fare ticket is cancelled more than 24hrs prior to travel,

  1. If a cancellation is advised to Byron Easy Bus more than 24hrs before scheduled departure, a cancellation fee of AUD$10.00 will apply
  2. If a cancellation is advised to Byron Easy Bus less than 24hrs and more than 12hrs before scheduled departure, a cancellation fee of 50% will apply.
  3. No refund and/or changes will be allowed if a cancellation occurs within 12hrs of scheduled departure or if the passenger fails to board the shuttle bus.
  4. Changes to dates are generally allowed without penalty, but Byron Easy Bus  reserves the right to re-assess the fare.

Excess Baggage

Byron Easy Bus allows one suitcase and one carry on bag, large additional items including Surf Boards will be charged at $10 per item.
At the time of booking we must be advised that extra items are to be carried otherwise, carriage of said items may be declined. Surf Boards must not exceed 1.8 metres ( 6 ft. ) and be in carry bag.

For larger items – bikes, golf clubs, etc. must be by request contacting our office, phone or email - carriage is conditional upon available space in vehicle to be used for service chosen.